Welcome to UNIXCO

Your Partner in Global
Education Management

UNIXCO is a dedicated education management firm specializing in the higher education sector. Our focus is on fostering collaborations with Foreign Universities and Educational Institutes, facilitating their expansion into Asia and middle east markets. With a seasoned team, we embody the principle of "THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL."


Partner with us

In an era of rapid globalization, Asia and middle east, and particularly India, stands at the forefront of scaling new heights. The success of nations depends on their youth, and we recognize the pivotal role of education in shaping the future. UNIXCO enables bright minds to explore the world, study diverse subjects, learn new languages, and connect with people from different cultures.

Our commitment is to bring global education to local markets, bridging the gap between exceptional students and prestigious universities. UNIXCO crafts market entry strategies aligned with your policies, levels the playing field for partners, enhances in-country representation, and sources top-notch recruitment for clients in each intake.

Our Vision

"Making world-class global education accessible to our target local markets across Asia."

About Us

Founder’s Note

Welcome to UNIXCO - A Visionary's Initiative I extend a warm welcome to all, inviting you to join us in the realm of excellent education management services at UNIXCO. The inception of this organization is deeply personal to me, rooted in a desire to spread the vibrant experience of studying abroad and embracing diverse cultures. At UNIXCO, we are committed to providing comprehensive services to our partners – from devising strategies for market penetration to in-country representation. Our goal is to enhance the presence of foreign universities in our target markets, creating demand and giving our clients a competitive edge. In an industry saturated with technology, we believe in the power of a human touch. Developing personal bonds within professional limits, we aim to understand our clients' needs thoroughly. With over a decade of experience in the industry, I am excited to channelize my knowledge and energy into UNIXCO. Thank you for choosing UNIXCO as your in-country representation partner. We look forward to a long-lasting collaboration.

Warm regards,
Kiran Appana

Edge Over

Why Choose UNIXCO?

Experienced and
approachable team

In-depth industry

Awareness of the latest
market trends

Dedicated staff for each

Strong liaising with local

Complete compliance
with regulatory guidelines

What we Offer

Unlocking Global Opportunities with UNIXCO

Education shapes thought, and at UNIXCO, we believe that a broader perspective on life is achieved through exposure to diverse cultures and experiences. Our mission is to bring the Global Education System closer to local and target markets by facilitating partnerships with elite foreign education institutes.

Our Services

Market Penetration

Customized strategies for both existing and new players, addressing specific requirements and targeted student segments.

In-Country Representation

An all-inclusive Concierge Service providing personal assistance, from brand awareness to logistics, for smooth functioning.

End-to-End Application Processing

Customized strategies for both existing and new players, addressing specific requirements and targeted student segments.


Market Penetration

At UNIXCO, we understand that success in the global education market requires a tailored approach. Our Market Penetration services involve in-depth collaboration with partners, gathering information on their requirements, and crafting customized strategies to reach and engage the target audience effectively.

In-Country Representation

UNIXCO's In-Country Representation is more than a service – it's a Concierge Experience. We offer complete personal assistance to our partners, creating awareness about their brand, showcasing courses, and handling logistics for a seamless operation. We take pride in being your brand ambassadors in the local market.

End-to-End Application Processing

Our experienced team at UNIXCO is well-versed with the complexities of the application process. From understanding eligibility criteria to providing comprehensive application processing services, we ensure a smooth and efficient journey for our clients. Your success is our priority.



At UNIXCO, we believe in the power of talented individuals coming together to make a difference. Explore exciting career opportunities with us and be a part of a dynamic team dedicated to shaping the future of global education management.